We have interesting offers prepared for you - contact us on praha@cskarlin.cz
Visit the CSKarlín showroom in Prague and discover inspiration for your home or office. On a floor space of 650 m², which includes a basement and a lower ground floor, you will find top-quality designer furniture, lighting, and accessories from renowned global brands, including kitchens, sofas, beds, and other items that will fulfill your vision of a modern interior. An experienced team of designers will be happy to provide professional advice and assist you with your selection, ensuring your space is elegant and functional.
Mon-Fri: 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 9:30 - 15:30
On Rohan Design District Days (12.9.-14.9.) we are open 9:30 - 19:00
Invoicing data:
BLOMUS s.r.o.
Karlínské nám. 376/10
186 00 Praha 8
Bank connection: 109102/5500
IBAN: CZ6755000000000000109102
Our company is registered at the Register Court
in Prague, Section C, File 116646. We are VAT payers.
Contact person:
Ing. Karolína Harmáčková
+420 777 019 092
Invoicing data:
studio harmonie s.r.o.
Karlínské nám. 376/10
186 00 Praha 8
Bankovní spojení: 35-7056350247
IBAN: CZ1201000000357056350247
Our company is registered at the Register Court
in Prague, Section C, File 72631. We are VAT payers .
Contact person:
Marcela Balíková
+420 603 825 812